British Values


At Mickleover Primary School, the potential of each child is celebrated by providing a high quality, challenging, inspiring and engaging curriculum designed to meet the needs of each pupil. This, in conjunction with our inclusive ethos, enables us to promote Fundamental British Values within all aspects of life at Mickleover Primary School. These values are:

  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
  • Mutual respect.
  • Democracy.
  • Rule of law.
  • Individual liberty.

Click Here to view the latest Pamphlet for Parents and Carers regarding Fundamental British Values.

In addition to these values, we also believe in and actively promote the importance of equality, cooperation, responsibility and compassion. We seek to provide opportunities to mix with and learn from people from a variety of backgrounds to share a common sense of identity through shared values and common experiences.


Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs:

MPS represents a multi-faith society; our RE and PSHE curriculum reflects this. The ideas of faith and belief are explore in ‘circle time’ activities where children are encouraged to ask questions about how people live out their beliefs and practices. We welcome visitors from different faiths to lead workshops and assemblies – where possible we invite parents to share their experiences with our pupils. Stories and festivals from the World’s major religions are retold in whole-school and key-stage assemblies.

 Jewish Rabbi

 A visit from a Jewish Rabbi to talk to our Year 4 Children.

Dr Takhar came to talk to the Year 6 about the Sikh faith. The children were able to draw upon this first-hand experience to make information leaflets about Sikhism.

Year Six 1

Year 6 students studying the Sikh faith.

“Open – the – Book” come each fortnight to tell Bible stories in assemblies. The children love helping to act out the stories, many of which are traditional to Islam and Judaism as well as Christianity.

Year Six 2

Students acting for "Open-the-Book".


Mutual respect:

At the start of each year, each class works on a Class Charter which accompanies our school promises. We encourage positive behaviour, based on respect for one another and each other’s property. Our prefect, mini-leader and peer-mediator systems create opportunities for our older pupils to work alongside, and care for, our younger children - under adult guidance. Assembly themes often focus on how we should and can show respect to everyone in school – and the wider community.

Classes sometimes ‘pair up’ to share work and create opportunities for our older children to help and encourage the younger children.

Year Six 3

 Students paring up.


Perfect badges are worn with pride.

An example of a Year 6 CLASS CHARTER:

  • Think before you act.
  • Be proud of your achievements, but don't 'brag.'
  • Concentrate on your own work.
  • Treat each other (and each other's belongings) with respect: ask if you need to look in someone's tray.
  • Walk sensibly around the classroom.
  • Always try to do your best and aim high!
  • Listen when others are talking.
  • Help and support each other if help is needed.
  • Always put you hand up if you want to speak, rather than shout out.
  • Ask before borrowing something.
  • Tell the truth.
  • Treat others how you wish to be treated.
  • Be polite.
  • Make sure you mark up the correct number of team points.
  • Work hard and don't give up - use your 'bounce-back-ability.'
  • Think of others before yourself.
  • Apologise if you are in the wrong.



We encourage democracy through the School Council, (where children are elected by their peers) Food Council and ECO Council. All of these groups are involved in making decisions about different systems and projects within school. Their opinions are valued and given careful consideration by all adults within school. The School Council have a voice in the interview process of key members of staff and have met with other school councils to share ideas. In addition, the children elect Team Captains on an annual basis, who represent and encourage other pupils in a range of team events.



The School Council organised a Christmas Jumper for ‘Save the Children;’ they raised £263.50. The students also took part in ‘Red Nose’ Day, during which they raised £539.62!

ECO Council

ECO Council collecting money for new recycling bins.

Extracts from recent Food Council minutes:

  • Chicken Chowder - Mixed reviews about this recipe. Feedback was that the sauce was quite savoury, not as ‘sweet’ as some of the meals that we have had before. Mr Goodwin will see what he can do about this.
  • Year 4 - Sweet and sour chicken bites very popular. 
  • Year 2 - Really liked the sweet and sour chicken.

Food Council

The Food Council.


Rule of Law:

From work in Foundation Stage on ‘People Who Help Us ’ through to Year 6 work on the country’s judicial system, the importance of law within the classroom, school, country and wider world are given considerable reinforcement. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind the laws and that they are there to govern and protect us. A positive approach to discipline is encouraged through our school promises. These (and consequences when they are broken) are made clear to all pupils through classroom displays and assemblies. Visits from the local Police and Fire Service are scheduled throughout the year and are used to promote law and order.

 Police Officer

Scheduled visits from the Police and Fire service happen throughout the year.

Individual Liberty:

At our school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices in the knowledge that they are in a safe and supportive environment. We educate and provide boundaries for pupils to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Whole-school behaviour systems are in place enabling children to earn rewards for making good choices and correct decisions. We aim to help children understand why some choices are not appropriate and aim to advise children how to exercise their rights and personal freedom through PSHE and E-Safety lessons.

The values are taught through a variety of means, including Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE), Circle Time and Religious Education (RE). We also actively promote British Values through our daily collective worship and school structures such as School Council and Eco Council. gives help and advice on e-safety matters.