Friends of Mickleover Primary School

Who we are?

FOMPS stands for the Friends of Mickleover Primary School which is a non-profit making, volunteer organisation, similar to a PTA. FOMPS is run and organised by parents, teachers and friends of the school. Our aim is to support the school and enhance the children’s school experience. We raise funds to pay for additional resources for the school, providing equipment and additional facilities.

Our current committee

Leah Lyons - Chair person

Samantha Austin - Treasurer

Damien Gultig - Secretary

Lisa Shaw - Social Media

Helen Battersby - Communications

Rachel Holmes - Events

We regularly fund the following for the school:

  • Coach fares for school trips
  • Christmas class presents for the Infants
  • Panto tickets for Juniors
  • PE equipment
  • Books
  • Prizes for competitions

Examples of funded items:

  • Trim Trail with artificial grass matting
  • Musical instruments (hand-bells)
  • Garden furniture
  • New furniture for the library

Why we need your support?

FOMPS can only operate with the support of parents (dads and mums, grandparents, carers, etc). and teachers. We are looking for new members to help us to continue to evolve our fundraising. Your ideas and involvement can help improve the quality of education for all the children at our school. We need your help, whatever your skills or time available. Everyone has something to offer. Please get in touch! We can work together to support our school.

Calendar of events

Update to follow

The Giving Machine

We've created a new account with If you shop online for holidays, groceries, presents at Amazon, Ebay and lots of other well known names it would be fantastic if you could do it through THEGIVINGMACHINE as we get a percentage of all purchases made, so it's funds raised at no extra cost to you! You have to make sure you select FRIENDS OF MICKLEOVER PRIMARY SCHOOL (and NOT Mickleover Primary School, that's the old account!!!) as beneficiary account when you set up your account with your e-mail address and password.

Once your account is created you can start shopping and help us raise money for reading books:) Happy shopping and thanks for your support - please tell your families and friends.