A Big Warm Welcome to Our New Families Joining MPS!


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Welcome to Mickleover Primary School

Welcome to our community, to your community.

At Mickleover Primary School we see each of our children and each of our families as unique, as special, as partners in a journey. A journey that will see your child achieve their potential, whilst also becoming part of our story, our legacy and ultimately, our heritage.

At Mickleover we believe in opportunity for all, in excellence and collaboration. We have a long and proud history, which is underpinned by our incredible team of educators and support staff, who work hard to provide an outstanding learning environment rich in academic rigour and enriched with rounded and diverse opportunities. An environment designed so that each child can find a passion, a talent, a sense of aspiration and of value.

I am proud to be the Head of Mickleover and have seen generations of children pass through our gates, each leaving their mark, going on to thrive in the next phase of their lives; I am honoured to work in a school so rich in happiness, hard work and care.

By ensuring that we deliver a broad, balanced, rigorous and inspiring curriculum; rich in experiences and taught by excellent educators. Every child is encouraged to do their best, to develop and celebrate their unique strengths and interests.

We are a school rooted in our past but driven by the future, and to that end, we strive to ensure that our children develop skills, knowledge, and attributes for life.

We are a school delighted to be at the centre of our community and to that end, we ensure that our children are at its heart, so that they can see emerging roles for themselves as active citizens in our locality and in the dynamic world beyond.

We look forward to working with you, so that together, we can succeed in developing your child, their sense of value, aspiration, and achievement.

Lynne Gerver, Headteacher, Mickleover Primary School
Lynne Gerver,

Our Vision

At Mickleover Primary School, our vision is to create a school community where children are:

  • Motivated to learn
  • Proud of their achievements
  • Successful and skilled for life
Motivated to learn
Proud of our achievements
Successful and skilled for life