
Part of the school's image depends on the appearance of its' pupils and for this reason we expect the wearing of school colours:

  • Maroon cardigan/pullover/sweatshirt
  • White shirt or polo shirt
  • Grey/Black trousers or skirt
  • Girls - pink or maroon, check or stripe dress during the summer (if preferred)
  • Boys - grey shorts during the summer (if preferred)
  • Black, flat shoes - both for winter and summer (NB white or dark coloured sandals may be worn)

It is important that children wear appropriate footwear suitable for indoor and outdoor use. We therefore ask that trainers are only worn for outdoor games activities and that if children come to school wearing boots or trainers that they have school shoes to change into.

It is essential that all items of clothing and footwear are clearly marked with a name.

The children should not wear any form of jewellery since it can be lost or damaged. Earrings can be dangerous during such acitivities as PE and games. They should be removed for these lessons. If your child cannot remove their own earrings, then you must ensure that they are taken out before coming to school on PE days. We cannot accept responsibility for accidents caused by the wearing of jewellery and earrings. If children have pierced ears and have to wear earrings at school, only small plain studs are allowed. (Please note that this does not include 'fashion' studs)

PE kits

Children will come to school in their PE kit on their 2 PE days. The PE kit is:

Infant children (Reception, Year 1, Year 2)

· Plain white t-shirt

· Blue or black PE shorts for indoor PE

· Plain blue, black or grey joggers to wear during the day and for outdoor PE

· School sweatshirt or school hoodie (must be burgundy). 

Junior children (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6)

·Plain PE t-shirt in their house colour. Team colours are:

  • Bakewell – yellow
  • Buxton – red
  • Ashbourne – royal blue
  • Castleton – emerald green

· Blue or black PE shorts for indoor PE

· Plain blue, black or grey joggers to wear during the day and for outdoor PE

· School sweatshirt or school hoodie (must be burgundy).

Ordering Uniforms

Uniform Direct 

My Clothing